Mara had this figured out from day one. Riker is still clueless.
Monthly Archives: January 2015
Mara likes playing Warhammer 40K
Sorta. I’ve been noticing a pair of figures knocked off the shelf almost every day. I hadn’t witnessed it live, so I set up a camera to record the next occurrence…
How to wake up Vlad and Holly in the morning
How? Play rough in bed.
A finicky eater has appeared!
So yesterday both Mara and Riker had their first “I’m not eating THAT” episode. They get wet food twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Last night they turned their noses up at the dinner offering. We decided to let them sulk, as dry food is available.
This morning I popped open a similar can of wet food — same brand, but different flavor. Mara sniffed and stepped away, while Riker grudgingly sampled it. I rummaged around the cat food storage area and picked out a completely different brand, and served it on a different plate. Mara immediately walked up to the new bowl and dug right in. Riker, who was nibbling at the original offering, quit and decided to eat out of the same small bowl as Mara. I broke out another serving. Both ate rather well, mostly finishing off breakfast in one sitting.